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The Andersons
We offer a full range of fertilizers, combination and control products, and spreaders from The Andersons. These products are designed to meet the specific needs of turf professionals. Available by the 50-pound bag.
Product | Description |
With Fungicide VII | |
With Fungicide VII | |
w/ 0.08% Mesotrione & 35% Methylene Urea | |
0.167% Dimension / 0.067% Acelepryn / SOP / SGN 150 | |
0.167% Dimension / 0.067% Acelepryn / Mutech-L / SOP /150 | |
.067 Acelepryn | |
Lawn Care | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Greens Grade | |
Fungicide | |
Insecticide | |
Fungicide | |
Fungicide | |
Herbicide | |
Plant Growth Regulator | |
Insecticide | |
Herbicide | |
Fungicide | |
21% Humic Acid | |
Magtec, 24% Mg | |
Kaltec, 9.2% Ca, 2% Mg, 1.5% Mn | |
Mn, Mg, K-Mag | |
Mn, Mg, K-Mag | |
Mg, K-Mag | |
65% MUtech, Mn, Fe | |
50% MUtech, 6% Humic Acid | |
50%MUtech, Micros | |
43% MUtech, 1.25% Humic Acid | |
Fe, Mn | |
100% MUtech | |
60% MUtech | |
50% MUtech, 50% AS, Fe, Mn | |
50% MUtech, 31% AS, Fe, Mn | |
75% MUtech, 7% Mn | |
60% MUtech, Fe, Mn | |
93%MUtech | |
60% MUtech, Fe, Mn | |
100% MUtech, K-Mag, Fe | |
50% MUtech, 23% Humic DG, Micros | |
50% MUtech, 19% Humic DG, 2% Fe | |
80% MUtech-L, 25.2% Humic DG | |
25% NS-54, 11.5% Humic DG, 53% Biosolids | |
50% NS-54, 20% Humic DG, SOP | |
35% MUtech | |
100% MUtech-M | |
50% HCU, 43% Black Gypsum DG | |
90% Mutech-L | |
59% Mutech | |
90% Mutec-L, .103% Dimension | |
10% Humic Acid | |
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